The F/A-18 Hornet 2.0 Demo includes the following files, all of which must reside in the same folder:
• F/A-18 Hornet 2.0 Demo
• F/A-18 2.0 Demo Data
• F/A-18 Demo Script.1 ... F/A-18 Demo Script.6
Running the Demo
If you have not played F/A-18 Hornet before, here are some basic instructions for using this demo:
• Run the program "F/A-18 Hornet 2.0 Demo." If you hear a beep when the program launches, then there NOT is enough memory to load "Radio Voice Messages." (See below for a description of "Radio Voice Messages.")
• Click on "Switch to interactive Demo."
• Click on "Fly Demo" to enter the simulation.
• When the cockpit appears, press d once to start the engines.
• Using the mouse, steer down the runway until you have enough speed to lift off — about 140 kts. The speed is indicated in the left-center-box in the HUD (the glass plate instrument.) Note: you can change the HUD color by typing cC. Pull back on the mouse and head up at about 20 degrees of pitch. The pitch is indicated by the pitch ladder on the HUD.
• If you get into trouble, toggle the autopilot on with A. The autopilot will level the aircraft at the current altitude. When the aircraft has leveled, toggle the autopilot off with A.
If you want to try shooting down another aircraft:
• Turn on the radar to Air-Air mode by typing R. Circle until you see a bogie (upside down "U") in the radar. Designate the bogie as a target by typing \.
• Select an AIM-9L missile by typing [. Fly towards the designated target and press the mouse button to fire the missile.